

Deburring Polishing Finishing Machines,Polishing Machines, Centrifugal Finishing Machines


Manufacturing Of Finishing / Deburring Machines, Spiral Dome Vibrators, Vibratory Sorting Table, Thane, India

  How VIBRO-FIN is superior to TUMBLING BARRELS. :
Part-media rubbing in 100% of volume.
Part-media rubbing only in top layer which is sliding because of gravity. Only 10-15% of volume is rubbing.
VIBRO FIN needs much lesser time for similar  result.
Gental rubbing  of part and media. Degree of vibration is  adjustable.
Uncontrolled sliding movement of parts media.
In Tumbler due to impingement surface finish is quite poor.
Open System. Closed System.
Inspection of parts can be done at any time in VIBRO-FIN.
Finishing Compound can be added continuously or as per need of process.
Being closed system only once compound can be added.
VIBRO-Fin produces much superior finish using combination of compounds.
Parts can be washed at the end of the process. Cannot wash the parts.
Output parts are clean and ready for next operation in VIBRO-FIN.
VIBRO-FIN bowl has hot cast PU or PBR lining. Usually bare metal.
Tumbling damages parts, barrel needs
frequent changing and very noisy process.
More than one machines can be line up together.
All machines are separates and alone type.
VIBRO-FIN can give automation and mass production
In nut shell TUMBLING process is like traveling by BULLOCK CART where as SMS VIBRO-FIN is like traveling by MERCEDESE.
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